Lessons Learned

By Ron Tatro, Vice President at Elder Law of Michigan

It is hard to believe that another year, 2019, is gone and that 2020 has begun. The holiday season is over, and we are looking forward to spring. It is also the time that many people make, or at least consider making, resolutions. It is a time for new beginnings.

I am surrounded by some wonderful colleagues and friends all who range in age from 20 to 80 years of age. I listen to their life events and things that are important to them. Often, I think “been there, done that.” So, as I think about life, new resolutions, and the future I have spent time reflecting on life’s lessons learned.

  • KNOWLEDGE: The older we get the more we realize how little we know.
  • PATIENCE: If only I had learned this earlier in life. Oh, the impatience of youth.
  • CONFLICT: Learn to pick and choose your battles – no one is always right or always wrong.
  • RESOLUTION: It is never too late to have a “bucket” list. Fill it up and start drawing from it.
  • ADVENTURE: Why not? There is still time to explore.
  • OPINIONS: Everyone has one. Try to be open-minded and respect those opinions.
  • EXPERIENCE: I have it but will only share it if you ask for it.
  • GRATEFULNESS: Be grateful for the small things in life that are important to you.
  • QUIET TIME: We all need downtime. There is nothing wrong with a nap.
  • CHEATING: It is okay to cheat on your diet occasionally if you get back on it.

There are many challenges to aging. One thing is the ability to let things go, such as hard feelings or material things. Other challenges including loss of independence or the loss of a loved one. Balance is the key. Now, I think I am going to take a nap. Until next time.

Ron Tatro is the Vice President at Elder Law of Michigan and has been a member of the Elder Law of Michigan team since January 2007. As Vice President at Elder Law of Michigan, Ron provides support services and executive direction to all aspects of Elder Law of Michigan’s programs.